PASS information - ps:®assembly-element

Easier assembly and disassembly of tools

The PASS assembly sockets - made of plastic material - allow an optimal handling for the assemby and disassemby of tools for the THICK TURRET tooling system.

The stable but light PASS adapter allows an easy assembly and disassembly of the tools from Station A to E without any problems and without lifting heavy assembling kits within a very short time. The inconvenient clamping in a vice is therefore no longer necessary.

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PASS Information - ps:®multitool

Space-saving with cost-efficient production

Using Drop-In Multitools on THICK TURRET machines is a great solution in order to equip machines with additional tools in an effective way.

The focus is set on equipping a standard station without any effort which additionally has the advantage to use all installed inserts which rotates under free angles...

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PASS Information - ps:®macro-joint

For effective production with manual part extraction

All machine operators and programmers know the problem:
Producing long parts (e.g. 1700 mm) with a small width (e.g. 250 mm). In this case 3 parts can be produced nested on a sheet plate with fence production.

Now the big question is: how is it possible to remove the parts manually from the machine without any burrs and without always interrupting the machine production time.

The solution is called: ps:®macro-joint

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PASS Information - ps:®2in1-hinge

Increase your efficiency!

Hinge connections are an important and interesting concept.

In the production area hinges are mostly produced of metal and allow the ability to connect two parts together in a flexible way.

PASS Stanztechnik AG has a tool in its product portfolio that simplifies this manufacturing process the ps:®2in1-hinge.

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PASS Information - Your special sheet

Design your sheet!

Today we would like to present you our new inquiry and order forms, which make it possible to obtain the precise requirements you have on your tools.

These forms will help you and also us, to determine the characteristics of the sheet and also the best applicable tool. You can download these files in our downloadcenter.

Please take this advantage and use these forms for your inquiries or, of course, your orders.

For this reason, the basic data has to be filled in, e.g. material, sheet thickness, machine etc.

Tool data to determine e.g. height or degree of a beading, find the right way to design the best solution of your tool.

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PASS Stanztechnik AG

Am Steinkreuz 2
D 95473 Creußen

Phone: +49 9270/985 - 0
Fax: +49 9270/985 - 99
Email: info(at)